We are already in the third week of 2023. If you haven’t started working on your 2023 plan, you’re already behind! Here are four ways to get 2023 kicked off and plan for success
What did 2022 bring us? The NY Times has the top 22 things that happened for the first time in 2022 – I only need the ones pertinent to mankind – really, pertinent to me. Here are the NYTimes vs. Sandi top things in 2022. I’ll tell you why: Apple becomes the first company to reach a stock market value
I’ve been a caregiver for over fifty years of my life. Yes, that is true, and I will most likely continue to be a caregiver until someone has to take care of me! Who is a caregiver? Per Webster’s dictionary (no relation!), a caregiver or carer is a paid or unpaid member of a person’s social network who helps them
What does success mean to you? Does it involve money? Job title? How well you marry? The car you drive? Just keeping your business afloat another year? To whom do you compare your success to know whether or not you’re successful? To your current peers? To your family members? People with whom you went to school? I define success based
On October 8, 2022, I will walk again for the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides for Breast Cancer research. Please give kindly to my New Birth Warriors team at http://main.acsevents.org/goto/newbirthwarriors. In over 35 years of participating in the 5K walk for different organizations, I have always considered the disparity between men and women regarding breast cancer. It’s been said that
During the COVID-10 pandemic of 2021-21, a global phenomenon called “The Great Resignation” occurred. What exactly was that? According to Wikipedia, “The Great Resignation, also known as the Big Quit and the Great Reshuffle, is an ongoing economic trend in which employees have voluntarily resigned from their jobs en masse, beginning in early 2021.” In 2021, COVID requirements were relaxed,
When you are a black person and reach the age where you can go shopping by yourself or with friends, there is a laundry list of things you need to consider. Black mothers tell their children the following: Do not bring too large a pocketbook so that security guards don’t think you can put clothes in it. Do not go
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- Posted in Life, Vision Board, Women, Work
There are small things that happen in your life that you ignore. Then, there are things that you must pay attention to because they mean so much not only to you but to your family and future generations. When I walked at graduation for my Doctorate of Business Administration from Temple University, I felt the impact and importance of
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- Posted in Life, Mentoring, Vision Board
We are well into the second month of the year. What are you doing towards making this year your best year ever? There are four things that you should be doing before the end of the first quarter. If you wait too late, you will have missed the chance to start the year off on a good note.
I was listening to T.D. Jakes talks about the moments his children remember, like spending time with him instead of the toy he purchased them. It got me thinking. What are the moments in time that I remember vividly, like they just happened yesterday, in my personal and business lives? For those moments, I remember where I was, what was