We are already in the third week of 2023. If you haven’t started working on your 2023 plan, you’re already behind! Here are four ways to get 2023 kicked off and plan for success
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Sandi Webster
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Sandi Webster
I’ve been doing vision boards now for about fifteen years. A friend invited me to what I considered a “frou-frou” workshop, where I would use rhinestones and magazine pictures to determine what I wanted to do for the upcoming year. What did child’s play have to do with my future? What a waste of my time! But I wanted to
Tagged : Vision Board
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Sandi Webster
We are well into the second month of the year. What are you doing towards making this year your best year ever? There are four things that you should be doing before the end of the first quarter. If you wait too late, you will have missed the chance to start the year off on a good note.